How ERP can manage your company’s SLA and Service Lines

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With ERP FM you get a complete mixing of task and project management that combine with your company’s service lines and SLA (service level agreements) that are aligned with your customers and suppliers alike. We all know in business, that managing and controlling individual SLA’s against service lines with customers and suppliers all having different levels of agreements can be a messy job, that’s where our Enterprise Resource Planning product can help unravel that web and provide you with what you need to know about any given task on any given day instantly.

Service lines in ERP

As you can see from the ERP screenshots, we not only provide a way in which you can have an immediate overview of what is required of a task but we can provide you with the ability to automatically schedule a supplier or internal employees to take on the task. This means for your as a business owner you no longer have to worry about:

– How your operators are scheduling tasks with staff and suppliers
– Schedule conflicts
– The costing of tasks

We combined your service line information with companies, where you can adjust SLA Response times and SLA Attend times to fit your contractual obligations with your customers. Our ERP system has been designed to be highly customizable so that your services lines and items have a trickle down effect onto individual tasks, suppliers and customers.

Service level agreement screenshot

Not only do we provide all of this peace of mind, but if someone isn’t performing or a particular service line has proved to be troublesome time and time again, our system will pick out the issues at hand and offer the best solution so that your customers, bottom line and overall reputation doesn’t suffer from misquoted or poorly setup service lines.

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