Fleet Car Solutions

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There are several components within ERP:FM available for fleet car solutions. Within the entire fleet module there are features such as the abilities to check drivers licences and then reservations be made for a vehicle rental easily. Taxis for example, may utilize the service frequently to ensure that they have working and ready vehicles on the road.

Using GPS tracking and facilities management programs in combination with fleet management would increase productivity in the business.

Fleet Tracking

When looking at the fleet car solution software available, one will see they have many option to choose from. Features that the software has can include having an online platform that allows the user to easily access the software from any location. Additionally, there are GPS tracking systems in place to track each vehicle individually.

Every aspect of the vehicle can be tracked; the licence of the driver, its current status as well as the location, where the vehicle is going and even the speed in which it is going. There are also modules within ERPFM that provide a chart to see every aspect of each vehicle and its status clearly.

Car Taxi Fleet

Taking all of these facts into consideration, it is easy to see why if facilities management merged their current systems with fleet car solutions given the many benefits. The merged systems provide a complete and functional view of what was happening with that fleet, whether they were all on the road heading in different directions, or all parked and waiting for use.

The user would be able to determine what was specifically happening with a driver if required. This type of security does not only protect the manager, but also protects the company from potential harm. It makes sense to adopt these systems together as it will ensure positive results from all parties involved. The chances of problems and loss would significantly decrease.

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